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  • 7111 W 151st Street
    Overland Park, KS 66223

Medical Litigation Support

Medical Record Review

We have the clinical experience and knowledge to provide you with a comprehensive and timely review of the medical related issues in your case.

Medical Expert Witness

Specializing in personal injury and medical malpractice cases, serving as a medical expert witness and certified life care planner for Defense and Plaintiff attorneys.

Life Care Planning

As a certified life care planner, we work with law firms nationwide to quantify damages and costs for future life care and needs.

Opinion Letters

Provides medical-legal opinions accepted by judges, attorneys, insurance carriers, employers or medical providers that support fair compensation of legitimate injuries.

Deposition/Trial Testimony

Our role is to clearly present findings and recommendations based upon medical records, medical opinions of consulting team members, and clinical practice guidelines.

Attestation of Reasonable and Customary Medical Bills

Medical necessity means that the expense was incurred as a result of the injury caused by the defendant.

What is Life Care Planning

Life Care Planning is the established process of creating and valuing long term medical needs in cases of severe injury or illness. We are certified to provide high-quality valuation of damages for those with long term medical needs in cases of severe injury or illness.

MD Certified Life Care Planner

We are dedicated to providing personalized Life Care Plans to individuals facing long-term healthcare requirements. We are certified physician life care planners with expertise to independently prepare and defend recommendations for ongoing medical care. We offer an entire range of medical and professional services to assist with the road of long-term planning.


A Life Care Plan attempts to answer these basic questions:

A life care plan can be used in consultation with patients, families, rehabilitation professionals, and case managers to coordinate the best medical care and support for an injured or chronically ill person. A life care plan can also be used in a legal setting to accurately project the nature and cost of an injured person’s long term care needs.

  • What diagnosis does the injured individual have?
  • What will an injured person's medical needs be in the future?
  • What will be the associated costs incurred for medical care over the lifetime of the individual?

Our Edge

We are always dedicated to giving you the best service.

  • Access and availability

    We pride ourselves on prompt communication with our clients regardless of the time of day or day of week.

  • Clinicians

    We practice medicine and understand current clinical practice conditions.

  • Medical Business and Management Experience

    We have created and been involved with medical businesses for many years.

  • Understanding

    We strive to provide reviews of the medical treatments and records to our clients in terms they can understand.

  • First Look Services

    We can provide an initial rapid overview of medical records to help you save time and dollars. This can help you decide on the value of pursing a case before spending money on expensive experts.

  • Open Communication

    We encourage open and honest communication with our clients to make sure we are the best fit for your case and provide the best service we can.


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